Trade Based Money Laundering Awareness
Trade Based Money Laundering is a complex money laundering technique. The methodologies used in TBML can be applied not just to conceal the proceeds of crime but also to disguise corruption, tax evasion and sanctions violations schemes. Identifying TBML and distinguishing between the different uses the techniques can be applied to requires an enhanced analytical capability by AML/CFT staff and criminal investigators. With greater emphasis now being placed on TBML by AML/CFT regulators, the burden of discovery, monitoring and reporting of TBML is being shifted onto reporting entities. Financial and non-financial institutions can be impacted by TBML.
The Trade Based Money Laundering Awareness Workshop is held over 4.5 days.
The core elements of the workshop are:
- Introduction to Money Laundering
- Money Laundering Targeting Strategies
- Nominees and beneficial owners
- Financial institutions and money laundering
- Import/Export: A System Overview
- Offshore Financial Centers and their role in trade fraud
- International Business Corporations
- Free Trade Zones
- Informal Money Transfer Systems and Trade Goods
- Lateral Transfer Method
- Transfer Pricing
- Business Money Laundering
- Introduction to Trade Based Money Laundering
- Investigating Trade Based Money Laundering (Syndicate Exercise)
- TBML Investigating Strategies
- Tracing Funds Offshore